Sunday, July 19, 2009

Monroe Michigan (In)Justice System

Is there true justice in America? Not in Monroe Michigan. Justice is perverted with a prosecutors office that is out of control. No leadership. The underlings are allowed to run slipshod over the citizens rights.
The Jeff Fraunhoffer case is a glaring example of the justice system gone awry.
Convicted without one single shred of evidence. Disgruntled, lying ex-employees was all it took, with the assistance of an under-prosecutor named Allison (Nolan) Arnold who had a years-long axe to grind against him. A lying landlord, Benard Beneteau, aka Frenchie, jumped on the band wagon for the sole purpose of ripping him off for everything of value in his restaurants. The landlord's son, Brian Beneteau, is on the Monroe city council and continues an internet attack on this man after being part and parcel to the set-up, and injustice, by illegally obtaining mug shots and posting them on a blog. Brian Beneteau's father, Frenchie, also jumped on the band wagon many, many months after-the-fact, lying that he saw the a naked woman on a television. How convenient.
Frenchie is a classic example of "jumping on the band wagon." Anyone who thought they could get something either by suing him, or stealing from him, jumped on. The step father of Jessica Jagielski, Mark Jarrait, precipitated the farce of a playboy channel with his sister in law Kelly Parks. Two girls (1st cousins) worked for Jeff and had a pay dispute. It escalated from there when the step father Mark Jarrait, and the mother, Kelly Parks, tried shaking him down for hundreds of dollars more pay for the ex-waitresses. The waitresses no longer even worked there.
Jeff's biggest mistake was calling the police to report telephone threats by Jessica's step father, Mark Jarrait. When the police then called Mark Jarrait to come to the police station to answer the charges of making telephone death threats, all of a sudden, the threats for money suddenly turned into the excuse that he was supposedly angry that his step daughter supposedly glanced at a nonexistent playboy channel, that the police detectives, who thoroughly investigated, found that he never even had. That whole story was a lie to get Mark Jarrait out of trouble for making telecommunication death threats.
It snowballed from there by involving Jessica Jagielski's first cousin and her 18 year old best friend, Tiara Brauer, making up the playboy story. Then, then to get more revenge, another made up story with unfounded, unnamed and unidentified, phantom customers supposedly drinking wine.
Not one shred of tangible evidence in court. Just slander and revenge. They did not produce one single person, or customer, that supposedly drank wine.
The detective investigated and testified that he came back with negative results for any playboy channel at any of the addresses during the time of the allegations.
Another terminated ex-employee looking for revenge, Dave Young slithered out from under a rock and lied so they would make him the new manager at Jeff's restaurant that was stolen from him. Dave Young had a huge falling out with Jeff, resulting in Dave's employment being terminated and the police were involved by Dave, trying try to force Jeff to give him his pay check on the spot. Dave, at first, refused to give Jeff his telephone back until the cop convinced him otherwise since there was a warrant for his arrest in another county. The latest big flare up was Dave not doing the work he was asked and paid extra to do for over six weeks. Organize the basement refrigerators and freezers. Jeff paid Dave for an extra one full hour every day for six weeks and Dave professed that he did what was requested. When Jeff checked and it was an unkempt disaster, Jeff had enough disrespect and laziness. This a pure case of revenge and lies.
Not here to fight the case for Jeff. I think he is appealing the case.
To add insult to injury, not only did he lose everything, he was placed on the sex offender registry for 25 years for, as Jessica Jagielski testified in her own words, a supposed "glance" of the nonexistent playboy channel. He also did months in jail and was fined and put on probation.
I started this blog because the blog Brian Beneteau started was only full of detractors or maybe Brian himself making all the posts and then throws up the internet address so people can go there and read his slander.